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Oxfam is an international confederation of 19 organizations working together with partners and allies around the world to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. Oxfam’s agriculture campaign is based on the belief that unfair trade rules have left small producers and waged agricultural workers in a perilous state. Oxfam asks why rising food prices cause riots in different countries; biofuel crops are competing for land with food crops; and the risk of widespread hunger is increasing across the world. In poverty-stricken areas, agriculture provides food security and jobs that aren’t available elsewhere.

More than any other sector, investment in agriculture produces results. And investing in women’s agricultural livelihoods can really make a difference in our efforts to reduce poverty while at the same time upholding their rights. But the challenges can’t be underestimated: environmental degradation, climate change, new technologies and skyrocketing energy prices all have an impact on poor farmers and workers.Topics particularly related to the agricultural risk management sector at Oxfam include investment in agriculture, access to land and other assets, climate change, bio-fuels and food prices.