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AGROASEMEX S.A. is a Mexican government insurance institution whose mission is to protect the patrimony and the production capabilities of the rural sector. In its capital, the federal government has the majority of the participation, and it is a public policy instrument contributing to the creation of a national risk management system for the comprehensive protection of the rural sector.

As a national insurance institution, AGROASEMEX provides reinsurance services to Mexican insurance institutions, mutual societies and insurance funds. As a development agency, it drives the participation of the private and social agents in the market of farming insurances and, because of its expertise as an Insurance Institution specialized in the farming sector, it designs new insurance schemes to broaden the market´s coverage.

The experience of AGROASEMEX has turned it into the leader in the management of farming risks in Latin America; it has proven this leadership with the development and the operation of parametric insurances, with the participation of international reinsurers as risk takers under schemes of proportional reinsurance.