Bradenton Herald (Mar. 14, 2012) | Concerned about the conservation of the water, the president of the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA), senator Katia Abreu, launched yesterday, during the 6th World Water Forum, in Marseilles (France), the proposal for the creation of an area of permanent protection of the world. The initiative aims to suggest a worldwide debate about the protection of springs, rivers shoulders and aquifer recharge areas that, in Brazil, are called permanent preservation areas (PPAs). They are fragile areas, of mandatory preservation, on which the good functioning of the water cycle depends. The launching will occur during the lecture of the president of the CNA on the subject Brazilian Agribusiness: Constructing to Solutions for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Water in the Field in the Brazilian Pavilion, where more than 40 public and private Brazilian institutions presented their projects of environmental responsibility.