Edgar Uribe

Edgar Uribe (PhD) is a hydro-climatologist. In 2007, he participated in the design of Agricultural Weather Index Insurance (WII) with AGROASEMEX. In 2009 he developed the first gridded dataset applied for index insurance and the first national flood map for Mexico. He later became consultant with the World Bank’s Agricultural Risk Management Team where he created gridded databases, and also participated in the design of WII for several developing countries in Central America and Africa. Edgar has focused his efforts on hydrometeorological risk management developing: short term hydrometeorological forecasts, seasonal climate forecasts, Agro-Ecological Regionalizations (AEZ), weather databases assessment and improvement, and hydrological and agronomic modeling. He currently works as CAT modeler for MiCRO (Microinsurance Catastrophe Risk Organization) and IFC.

Edgar studied Geophysics and holds M.S. in Atmospheric Sciences, and PhD in Hydrology with a minor in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Arizona, Tuscon.