Ana María Loboguerrero

Ana María Loboguerrero is the Latin American Leader of the CGIAR Research Program for Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), based in Cali, Colombia. In this position, she plays a major role in partnership development aimed to build impact pathways so that knowledge in climate change leads to implementation. Ana María has contributed to strengthening the agricultural sector in Latin America so that it is not totally dependent on climate variability, but on the contrary, it manages climate to its advantage, or at least to avoid the bulk of negative consequences. Ana María Loboguerrero has used her experience working in the public sector to become a key partner of policymakers and planners in the region so that they truly use climate information and tools to design and implement plans and strategies and find ways to make climate information useful and applicable for end-users.

Ana María holds a Master and a PhD in Economics from University of California, Los Angeles, USA (UCLA). She has 7 years’ experience of working on climate change challenges. Dr. Loboguerrero has also worked at the Research Department and Monetary and Reserves Department of the Central Bank of Colombia, the Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank and the Sustainable Environmental Development Deputy Directorate of the National Planning Department of Colombia as Coordinator of Climate Change. While at the deputy directorate, Dr. Loboguerrero led the formulation of the Colombian Climate Change Policy, the National Adaptation Plan, the National Development Plan and the research agenda on climate change as well as coordinated technical support for the Colombian Low Carbon Growth Strategy.