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EARS Plant Photosynthesis Monitoring Ltd

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EARS Plant Photosynthesis Monitoring Ltd has carried out research into the application of chlorophyll fluorescence since 1983. The first hand held photosynthesis meter was launched in 1992. Since then we have continued research and development in this field, with a focus on measuring technique and practical application. Therefore do not expect a long list of fluorescence parameters on this site. We do not refer to them if they are purely theoretical and have no practical meaning.

The Photosynthesis Meter

The EARS Plant Photosynthesis Meter (PPM) measures the photo-synthetic light use of plants. Because of its low weight, the instrument is very suitable for use in laboratory and field. Just press the button and the measurement is completed within a second. In addition long measuring series can be done automatically. For this reason the PPM has a wide range of applications in research, education and practice.