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Associated Program on Flood Management (APFM)

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The Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) is a joint initiative of the World Meteorological Organization and the Global Water Partnership. The APFM facilitates the dialogue to governmental agencies and provides a platform for guidance on flood management policy, strategy and institutional development. The programme’s objective is to promote the concept of Integrated Flood Management (IFM) as a new approach in dealing and living with floods.

The mission of the APFM is to support countries in the integrated management of floods within the overall framework of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The APFM particularly aims to support National Meteorological and Hydrological Services. Its objectives are to:

  • Establish the principles of Integrated Flood Management (IFM);
  • Help assimilate IFM within the overall Integrated Water Resources Management;
  • Identify gaps in present flood management practices, and to stimulate partners to meet critical needs within their available human and financial resources;
  • Support actions at all levels: national, regional, local and river basin-wide;
  • Provide a platform for a common strategic vision on integrated flood management issues, and to promote the implementation of effective policies and strategies worldwide;
  • Promote awareness about flood management issues, build political commitment and trigger action at all levels; and
  • Provide advice and relevant information to institutions and decision-makers on flood management issues.