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Prices of sorghum

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Asia and the Pacific
Focus Topic:
Market / Trade
Rao, K.J.

This year in Medak, Adilabad, and Mahaboobnagar districts there were heavy rains during the end of October, just before harvesting sorghum. Because of these untimely rains sorghum grain has become black/moulded. Farmers are not able to sell this spoiled sorghum because of low prices. Mostly, farmers are using this sorghum for self-consumption. Those who got large quantities are selling it to the poultry feed industry.

Zaheerabad market stopped getting sorghum from Maharastra. Daily one truck of sorghum is coming from Proddutur in Cuddapah district. Since the first week of December there is not much demand for sorghum because of paddy harvesting and availability of cheap rice under drought relief program, and also because of the availability of lower-priced rice in the market.

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